Armed group injures student in Long Lone

June 12, 2024

HURFOM: On June 4rth, 2024, the Spring Guerrilla Force shot and injured a 14-year-old student, named Maung Thet Pine Myo near Ka Byar village, Long Lone Township, Tenasserim Division.

The Spring Guerrilla Force was conducting a ‘stop and check’ of vehicles near Ma Beat Mount.  Maung Thet Pine Myo was traveling by a car when he was shot at.

As we were conducting an investigation, we ordered the driver to stop the car. He stopped the car and our member approached the car. But it looked like he didn’t see our members or he thought we didn’t check his car, so he drove away. Then, our members shot at the car’ wheels, but accidentally hit the boy,” said an official from the Spring Guerrilla Force.

The Force released a statement claiming they had information that the military junta would transfer important documentation by a family car, hence their check of vehicles.

Maung Thet Pine Myo suffered an injury to his buttocks, but an official said, “now, he’s recovered from the injury and can move around.”

On June 4rth, 2024, a nine-year-old school boy was killed and 25 students were injured from an explosion in a school in Eain Shay Pyin Ward, Dawei City.


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