Six killed and 22 injured by artillery attacks

May 24, 2024

HURFOM: According to a statement by the Karen National Union, within three weeks, from May 1st to the 21st, 2024, the military junta’s indiscriminate artillery attack killed six villagers and injured another 22 from Kyike Hto, Bilin and Thaton Township, Mon State,

The artillery attack is getting worse day after day. Bilin has experienced the worst attack. At least ten residents have been injured or killed,” said Saw Nadar Htoo, a spokesperson of the Karen Human Right Group – KHRG.

Three residents from Bilin, a villager from Kyike Hto and two travelers were killed and 16 residents from Bilin, five residents from Thaton and a villager from Kyike Hto Township were injured by artillery attacks. A four-year-old child is among the injured victims.

The military junta has committed war crimes and violated human rights norms,” continued Saw Nadar Htoo.

The military junta has intentionally launched indiscriminate artillery attacks on villages under the control of the Karen National Union which are mostly inhabited by Karen people.

Now, no one dares to stay in the village. We’ve just returned for a few months but now, we have to run again due to the artillery attack. Most displaced villagers are hiding in nearby forest, mountains and caves,” said a resident from Ah Wun Gyi village.

The 314th artillery regiment, and the 8th and 9th light infantry battalions are responsible for the attacks, which have forced approximately 5,000 residents from nine villages to flee their homes.


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