Bomb detonates on bridge:  Truck driver injured in Thaton

May 9, 2024

On May 4rth, 2024, a bridge near the Da Dar Oo village, Thaton Township, Mon State was targeted for detonation by an armed group.  The explosion injured a truck driver, according to a local emergency and rescue team.

The truck encountered the detonation on the bridge and was damaged. The condition of the victim isn’t life-threatening. The front part of the truck was damaged,” said an official from the “Moe Kaung” emergency and rescue team.

54-year-old, U Than Zaw sustained injuries to his right wrist and neck and was admitted to the Thane Za Yet Regional Hospital for treatment.

On March 27th, 2024, an ambulance struck a landmine near Ka Mar Sai village, Thaton Township, both the driver and patient were injured.


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