Junta’s troops disguising themselves as PDF extort traveler’s and drivers

May 1, 2024

HURFOM: On April 26, 2024, the military junta’s troops disguised themselves as the members of the People Defense Forces and extorted money from travelers in Chaught Chin village, Tha Yet Chaung Township, Tenasserim Division.

Witnesses reported to HURFOM that the junta’s troops were in disguise, and extorted a huge amount of money from the travelers using the Myeik – Dawei Highway Road.

The PDF used to be there but they left the place. Then, the junta’s soldier in disguise looking like the PDF, began to extort money. They forced (the travelers and drivers) to show the “three fingers” sign and shout the slogan, “The revolution must succeed”,” said a Tha Yet Chaung resident who experienced the event.

Junta’s soldiers extorted 10,000 MMK from drivers and 5,000 MMK from travelers and they also kicked and beat them.

They demanded even 40,000 MMK from one of the drivers,” said a local source.

There has been conflict in the area.  An armed clash broke out in Tha Yet Chaung Township on April 22nd and residents from ten villages had to flee their homes.


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