Junta drops bombs on Dhammasa village again: Homes burnt down in nearby villages
April 11, 2024
On April 8th and 9th, 2024, the military junta again launched air assaults and artillery attacks on Dhammasa and nearby villages, Kyikemayaw Township, Mon State.
The junta’s air force dropped bombs on Dhammasa village and its navy launched artillery attacks onto the village destroying monasteries and pagodas. Houses in nearby Ta Ra Nar village were burnt down and destroyed.
“Our village has already been burnt to ash and the junta has dropped bombs again and again for the whole day. Now, nothing is left. There are shooting from the sky and also shooting from the ground. What is happening in our area looks like an action movie. The houses are burning down but we can do nothing. There is no one to stop fire and no one is allowed to do so. We’re really helpless,” said a displaced woman.
On April 9th, 2024, about 30 junta troops invaded the village and battled with the revolutionary forces.
After the battle, the junta launched an indiscriminate air assault and burnt down houses in Ta Ra Nar village.

“Houses in “Bamar Zu” Ward near the cemetery of Ta Ra Nar village are burnt down by air assault. Houses in Dhammasa village have also burnt down. The villagers from Ta Ra Nar, Kaw Zwell and Kaw Thut villages dare not stay in the village and run away,” said a resident.
On March 27th, 2024, the army, navy, and air force of the military junta dropped bombs and launched an artillery attack on Dhammasa village and burnt down about 400 houses. The entire village has to flee home.
“Even though we can go back to our village after the battle, we have no house to stay and no monastery to take shelter in. I don’t know how long we have to flee,” said a displaced woman.