Three injured by junta’s artillery attack in Kyone Doe

January 12, 2024

HURFOM: In the first week of January, 2024, the military junta targeted villages in Kyone Doe Township, Kaw Ka Rate District, Karen State with an artillery attack. The Central Karen National Union reported that two nuns and a local villager were injured by the artillery explosion.

On January 5th, the Kyone Doe based 230th Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) launched at least three artillery attacks on Wait Zar Gone village.  Artillery shells were dropped on the monastery. The resulting explosion injured 72-year-old U Maung Gyi, a member of the Board of Trustees.

On January 7th the, Kyone Doe based, 545th LIB again targeted Kaw War Lell village. Their artillery explosions hit the “Aye Chan Thar Yar Taw Ya” monastery, injuring two 14-year-old nuns.

There is no day without artillery attacks by the junta. I’ve heard the sound of artillery attacks at least 20 times every single night. The Karen National Liberation Army and the PDF are surrounding them. Their army dares not go outside, but they launch artillery attacks every day. We, the locals, live in fear,” said a Kyone Doe resident.

On December 18th, a 46-year-old woman from Taung Kyar Inn village, Kyone Doe Township was killed by artillery attack that was launched by the 230th LIB and on December 19th, a 70-year-old woman and another woman (age unknown) both from Taung Kyar Inn village were injured by the junta’s artillery attack.


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