Couple sustains injury in armed clash in Bilin

January 10, 2024

HURFOM: On January 6th, 2024, an armed clash took place between the military junta and the Karen National Liberation Army in Ah Lu Lay village, Bilin Township, Mon State.  The fighting injured at least two plywood factory workers.

The victims were 40-year-old U Zay Yar Min and 36-year-old Daw Ne Ne Aye.

More than 30 military junta troops entered Ah Lu Lay village in the morning, which led to an exchange of gunfire with the KNLA in the village.

The army entered the village and encountered the KNLA. The armed clash lasted about half an hour. A couple who live in the workers’ barrack of a plywood factory got injured,” said one Ah Lu Lay villager.

The injured couple were sent to Thaton District General Hospital with the assistance of a local rescue team.

After the armed clash, junta’s troops stationed themselves in the village. Villagers are worried about their safety and some have fled.

The entire village is frightened as the military is in the village. Villagers are hiding in bomb shelters. Some villagers have run away,” said another resident.


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