Five villages face problems as junta destroys a bridge in Thaton

June 19, 2023

At about 10 pm on June 9, 2023, Burmese soldiers destroyed a bridge on Thane Saint – Kyike Kaw – Lay K Road in Thaton Township, in Mon State.  The soldiers used a  backhoe to destroy the bridge and now villagers from five nearby villages are facing travel problems.

People from five villages relied on this bridge. Now, motorbikes and cars can’t use the bridge. Everyone is in trouble. If we have a health emergency at night, there will be a huge problem,” said a villager from Lay K village.

On June 7, the Karen National Liberation Army and the People’s Defense Forces attacked the 402nd Artillery Battalion and the #2 Light Infantry Battalion. According to locals, in response, a huge number of Burmese soldiers from V-Yaw military base in Thaton Township came to the area and destroyed the bridge, 

The Thane Saint – Kyike Kaw – Lay K Bridge is an essential route for villagers from Lay K, Win Tar Bum, Pa Yit Koe, Tone Phoe Gyi and Tone Phoe Lay villages for transporting goods to Thu Wunna Wati Town.

In May, 2023, the military junta destroyed three village roads in Kyike Hto Township. Now people from about 25 villages are having health, economic and livelihood problems.


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