Villagers worry as military aircraft spotted around in eastern Maw Ka Nin

May 10, 2023

HURFOM: Since May 6, 2023,  military aircraft have been spotted flying around eastern Maw Ka Nin village, Ye Township, Mon State. Villagers are worried about possible air assaults.

According to local sources, armed clashes between the Burmese army and the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and the People Defense Forces (PDF) have been intensifying in the areas beside the Highway Road between Thanbyuzayat Town and Maw Ka Nin village.

The Burmese military is also patrolling with military aircraft. 

On May 6, a military aircraft was patrolling to and fro the whole day. But we didn’t hear the sound of gunfire. The plantation workers and the nearby villagers were afraid of being bombed by the aircraft and ran away to the village,” said a 55-year-old villager from Maw Ka Nin.

Landmine explosions and armed clashes have frequently taken place between Thanbyuzayat and Maw Ka Nin.  A growing number of the KNLA, the PDF and the new Mon revolutionary armed forces are active in Thanbyuzayat and Ye Townships.

We have to be very cautious when traveling in this area. The revolutionary forces are increasingly active and the Burmese military have launched their military operations. There have been armed clashes and as a result, there have been injuries and casualties of villagers,” said a local villager.


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