Nearly 15 arrested in Kaw Ka Rate since martial law

March 2, 2023

HURFOM: Kaw Ka Rate Township, in Karen State is one of the townships where the military junta has imposed martial law. The  junta has tightened security in the township and local sources told HURFOM, that nearly 15 residents have been arrested since February 2, 2023.

“We’re not allowed to go outside from 7 pm to 6 am. If someone is found outside during that period, he/she is immediately arrested  and sentenced to 6-month imprisonment. Now, no one in Kaw Ka Rate goes outside after 7 pm, said a Kaw Ka Rate resident.

Early on when martial law was imposed, some villagers did not understand what martial law meant, nor were they always aware that the nighttime curfew was in place.

The arrested ones are the grassroots. They thought if they went to work, they’d be allowed to go outside. Then, they’re arrested, said one resident.

The imposition of martial law and the careless manner of arrests made by the junta’s security forces has meant that now many people are unable to make their living.

The junta is patrolling in town. They’ve arrested those who go outside during the curfew. In addition,  vendors who have to open their shops early  in the morning are in trouble, said a vendor from Kaw Ka Rate Town.

The junta has also reinforced their checkpoint on the Myawaddy – Hpa-an – Kaw Ka Rate Highway Road. Soldiers at this checkpoint openly and aggressively extorted money from travelers.


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