Two local men injured by junta’s artillery attack

September 9, 2024

HURFOM: On September 3rd, 2024, the 207th artillery regiment attacked the downtown area of Thane
Za Yet Town, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State and one of the artillery shells dropped and exploded nearby the “Ah Nyar Thar Lay” Restaurant located in front of the “Dhamma Duta” Monastery.

The explosion injured 40-year-old Ko Tun Min Aung and 32-year-old Ko Zaw Lin Aung who were from Yaw Lay Yet, Ward #1, Thane Za Yet Town. Both of them were hit by the artillery explosion while riding their motorbike.

It’s very rare that our town was attacked by the artillery weapon. Both of them were riding motorbike nearby the restaurant on that day and injured by the artillery explosion,” said a woman from Than Za Yet.

The two men had sustained injuries at their waists, necks and backs and received treatment at the Thane Za Yet General Hospital.

In the third week of July, 2024, the junta’s artillery attack killed six civilians, including a pregnant woman, and injured other ten residents.


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