Frequent Armed Clashes on Ye-Dawei Road Disrupt Local Travel

July 30, 2024

HURFOM: Since the last week of June 2024, frequent and consecutive armed clashes have erupted between the military junta and joint resistance forces along the Ye-Dawei Highway Road in Ye Township, Mon State. The conflict zones include Khoe Tha Dar, Hnin Zone, San Pya, Maw Ka Nin, Ka Nin Ka Maw, Aye Thar Yar, and Lane Maw Chan villages, causing significant disruptions for local travelers.

“There is an armed clash every day at least in one place on that road. As the road isn’t safe, we have difficulty going to clinics or hospitals,” said a local traveler.

The Ye-Dawei Highway Road has been under the control of the joint resistance forces since March 2024. However, the military junta has been attempting to regain control, resulting in frequent armed clashes.

Notable incidents include armed clashes in Maw Ka Nin New Village on July 24; between Kyoe Tha Dar and San Pya villages on July 25; near San Pya village on July 26; between Aye Thar Yar and Lane Maw Chan villages on July 27; and near Maw Ka Nin New Village again on July 28.

These armed clashes have caused significant traffic jams on the highway, blocking travelers and resulting in casualties.

“Yesterday, every vehicle heading to Mawlamyine had to turn back due to a huge armed incident near Lane Maw Chan,” reported a traveler.

A local man sustained a minor injury during the clash between Kyoe Tha Dar and San Pya villages on July 25.

“He was shot during the clash but his injury was minor. He went back home after receiving treatment at Lamine Hospital,” said a witness.

Currently, military tensions persist between the junta and the joint resistance forces in the area, causing local villagers to fear that the clashes might spread further into their communities.


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