New military recruits from Mon State sent to conflict zone

July 19, 2024

HURFOM: The 1st batch of the compulsory military service recruits trained at the 4th Advanced Military Training School in Well Ka Lee village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State finished their training on June 28, 2024. 

Approximately 200 young men have been sent to conflict zones across Burma. More than 100 have been sent to the 37th Light Infantry Battalion in Myit Kyi Nar, and more than 50 of them have been sent to the 586th Light Infantry Battalion.  The remaining recruits have been sent to different townships across Burma. 

None were allowed to return home after their military training. They were sent to different battalions on July 6th. All the battalions are on the front line,” said a source close to the military junta.

After finishing military training, the young men must serve the military at least for two years. “The new military recruiters have to conduct night patrol in the villages which are in the armed conflict zones,” said a source close to the military training school in Thanbyuzayat.

Family members are worried about them.

Before the compulsory military training edict was put in place, the junta lured young trainees claiming that after finishing three-months of training, they would be placed on active duty in their native townships and would be eligible to receive financial support.

According to the data collected by HURFOM, the second and third batch of recruits totals 200.  All have been trained at the 4th Advanced Military Training School.


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