Locals worry about coal fired power plant project in Chaung Zone

July 19, 2024

HURFOM: On June 24th, 2024, Mon State Chief Minister U Aung Kyi Thein met with the Chinese Ambassador to Burma to discuss construction of a coal fired power plant in Chaung Zone Township, Mon State.

The military junta has bought 50 acres of mangrove forest between Ka Lawi and Da Yell villages, Chaung Zone Township and paid compensation to landowners at the rate of 5 million MMK per acre.

The junta has moved very quickly on this project. 

The coal power plant has no benefits but will bring harm to the environment. We totally disagree, but we can’t organize a protest at this time. The monks have done their best to oppose the project but their ability has limitations,” said a Chaung Zone resident.

Villagers oppose the project but fear a brutal crackdown by the military junta if they organize protest.

They compensated two villages and signed a contract with landowners. Those who have low-quality land are satisfied with the compensation as they’ve received more than market price. But some villagers aren’t satisfied,” said another resident.

The military junta has designated the project area but villagers do not know when the project will start.

The government tried to build a coal power plant in An Din (Ye Township) in 2015. But they gave up the project due to the public protest. The political situation was good at that time so people could organize protests. Now, if we protest, we’ll be arrested,” said another resident.


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