“Military Operational Announcement” creates worry among people in Southern Mon State

March 12, 2024

HURFOM: On March 10th, 2024, the “Ye Ba Lue” armed group, a revolutionary organization based in Southern Ye Township, Mon State, released a statement saying they would start a military operation under the name of “the Giant’s Way”.

The group insisted that the military operation has no time frame limitation or any places that will be targeted. As a result, people must be careful with their movements and travel.

The local people think there will be more battles and armed clashes in Mon State after the matriculation exam and have started buying basic food items.

The battle might start after the children have finished the exam. We don’t know where and how the armed clash might take place, but we’re afraid of air assaults and indiscriminate attacks,” said a local villager.

Local people told HURFOM they witnessed the New Mon State Party (AD – Anti Military Dictatorship) activities in Ye Township on March 10th, 2024.


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