Nearly 800 Kyaung Yaw residents flee homes due to military action and artillery attack

March 8, 2024

HURFOM: Since March 1st, 2024, both the military junta and the People’s Defense Forces have been active in Kyaung Yaw village, Ye Township, Mon State.  The military junta launched indiscriminate artillery attacks triggering nearly 800 residents to flee their homes.

The 591st Light Infantry Battalion based in Kyaung Yaw is responsible for the artillery attacks. They are also aggressively checking and interrogating passengers.

Passengers traveling near the battalion have been interrogated very aggressively day and night. The battalion also launched an artillery attack at night. Most of the residents became very worried and fled the village,” said a Kyaung Yaw villager.

Currently, Kyaung Yaw residents are fleeing to Lake Poke and Pha Lan Chaung Wa in Ye Chaung Phyar Region which is controlled by the New Mon State Party.

Some villagers are hiding in rubber and fruit plantations,” said another resident.

Since March 1st, 2024, the military junta has launched three artillery attacks and imposed a curfew preventing villagers from going to their plantations for work.


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