Three Pagoda Pass Township businesses falter under second annual tax

November 13, 2009

HURFOM, TPP: On November 9th, Chairman of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) in Three Pagodas Pass (TPP), U Myo Kyi, held a meeting with members of the Village Peace and Development Council (VPDC) and local business owners about a new tax to be collected that would affect all local businesses. The order to collect this new tax comes from the Customs Department of Burma, based in the new Burmese capitol of Naypyidaw, according to a source who attended the meeting. Read more

Distance university student’s picnic blocked by university staff in Moulmein.

November 11, 2009

HURFOM, Moulmein: Students from a university level distance education program in Moulmein were denied permission by the school dean to organize a picnic after completing their exams. After being warned, their trip was banned without explanation. Read more

A Woman’s Hope for the Future

November 9, 2009

WCRP: Around 8pm, as I watched football with friends, I over heard a young child’s voice from the small neighboring house. “’Mom, I’m hungry.’ ‘Yes, when your father comes back home you can eat.’’ I peered out my window and saw a mother tending to her 5-year-old child as her two other children played with rubber-bands in the corner. The metal roof of their hut was covered in holes and the three loosely tied bamboo walls were falling apart. Read more

Report: Why Burmese Women Become Sex Workers

November 9, 2009


“Think about it, nobody enjoys working as a prostitute.We have no money to survive… we have to work as prostitutes.” -Ma Thit Thit

This report examines some of the reasons why women from Mon State, Burma, become commercial sex workers. WCRP interviewed 11 prostitutes from 10 brothels and restaurants who currently work in Ye Township and Thanbyuzayat Town. The majority of the interviewed women became prostitutes out of economic desperation and a lack of other job opportunities.

Children in Burma are often expected to provide for their parents. Many of the women interviewed said that their parents were unable to  support their families, due to a scarcity of jobs, a poor economy, and spending money on alcohol and illegal lottery tickets. Read more

USDA aims to recruit more students and residents in Mudon Township

November 9, 2009

HURFOM, MUDON: On November 5th, Mon State’s Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) members arrived in Mudon Township to hold a meeting with 20 key area USDA members, Mon youth, and members of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC).  At the meeting area USDA members were ordered to recruit more then 200 residents in each village to become members of the USDA in Mudon Township.   Read more

Mudon township residents forced to pay for community tractor, again.

November 5, 2009

HURFOM, Mudon: On October 25th, the Mudon Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC)’s chairman U Kyaw Maung, his secretary, 5 members of the General Administration Department (GAD) and the Agriculture committee held a meeting in Kamawet village to order local residents to donate money towards the purchase of a farm tractor to be used within the region.   Read more

LIB No. 556 uses KNU activity to justify human rights violations in Palaw Township, Margue District

November 3, 2009

HURFOM, Palaw: According to HURFOM reporters, the Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) No. 556 has been using rumors of KNU activity in Palaw Township, Margue Distirct, to arrest, threaten, and extort money from the residents of various villages throughout Palaw Township. The majority of the reports that HURFOM received centered around the village of Pawkataw, where a string of violent arrests commenced two weeks ago during a Christian church service. Read more

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