Junta’s soldiers arrest and extort villagers in Mudon Township

January 17, 2024

HRUFOM: Local people have reported to HURFOM that junta soldiers located at a check-point on Abit – Kha Lell Da Gon Tie Road in Set Thwe village tract, Mudon Township, Mon State have been arresting and extorting money from local villagers and plantation workers.

Two 38-year-old Abit villagers were arrested while tapping rubber trees in their plantation, reported a resident.

After learning that two rubber plantation workers were arrested by the military, the village Administrator went to inquire about the two villagers. The military replied that the two villagers invaded their area so they arrested them and they would be detained for three or four months. In fact, the villagers didn’t invade their area. They were arrested on their plantation. Their farming tools and motorbike were left at the plantation,” said the resident.

A 36-year-old Hline Ka Ne villager also disappeared on his way to Mudon Town.

There was a phone call three days after his disappearance. The caller said they’d arrested him and asked the family to pay a million MMK for his release. The family transferred the money via the “Wave Money” application. But he wasn’t released. The family is still inquiring about him,” said a young man from a village in Mudon Township.

Local people say there is no security guarantee for anyone using the Abit – Da Gon Tie Road at the moment.

Now, we’re really afraid of using the Abit – Da Gon Tie Road. Even plantation workers don’t use that road. No one wants to as it is unsafe after 5 pm,” said a resident.


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