Since martial law imposed, nearly 100 motorbike stolen in Ye
April 26, 2023
HURFOM: Since martial law was imposed in Ye in February, 2023, nearly 100 motorbikes have disappeared in Ye Township, Mon State, local villagers reported to HURFOM.
50 motorbikes alone were stolen in Du Yar, Pa Line Thein, Hnee Hnu, Thar Ga Ram and Ham Gam villages in Southern Ye Township.
“Motorbikes are mostly stolen at night. Even though we kept the bikes in our compound and locked them, they were stolen. Now we know how insecure things are. Villagers are living with the worry of “when their bikes will be stolen”, not if they might be stolen. As of today, about 100 motorbikes have been stolen in Ye Township,” said a villager from Ye Township.

Motorbikes were frequently stolen during curfew — between 6 pm and 6 am. The thieves often threaten villagers with knives and guns. Because the thieves are armed, villagers think they are connected with the local army battalion.
“Motorbike thieves are holding guns. Even though we saw them stealing our bikes at night, we dare not shout out for help. We’re afraid of being harmed. Military trucks are patrolling in our village at night. Motorbikes were lost at night when we heard the sound of a military truck. But it’s not 100% sure if they are responsible,” said a local villager.
Villagers initially reported their losses to the authorities but no action was taken. Over time, villagers have given up reporting their motorbike losses.
“Our motorbikes were stolen and we reported the incident to the authorities. We had to pay them money but they did nothing. Now, no one files reports and every villager suffers in silence,” said a resident from Northern Ye Township.