Military extrajudicially killing in Thanbyuzayat
April 21, 2023
HURFOM: On April 18, 2023, the Burmese military arrested two individuals suspected of plotting a bombing in Pa Nga village, Thanbyuzayat Township, in Mon State. The military did not charge the suspects or bring them to court, instead they killed them.
Thanbyuzayat residents criticized the misconduct of the military and questioned if their township is under martial law.
“Since the military directive was issued placing 37 townships under martial law, we’ve been monitoring how the military handles those who oppose them. After the “Pa Nga” incident, it’s clear they are acting in accordance with martial law. Even in the townships not under martial law, the military handles cases, as if martial law was in place” said a lawyer from Mon State.

The two victims were a 16-year-old and a 21-year-old. After an interrogation, the military did not bring them to the court, rather they shot and killed them at Wae Ka Lee cemetery which is nearby Thanbyuzayat, reported local sources.
“It’s clear that our country doesn’t have rule of law. In fact, the military has no authority to shoot and kill anyone in townships, even under martial law, and even if he or she committed a huge crime. Every suspect must be brought to a court of law for a decision. But, the military doesn’t abide by the law and handles everything with martial law,” continued the lawyer.
Sources within the military claimed the two suspects tried to run away, so the soldiers shot and killed them.