Gambling re-emerges in Mon State under junta’s rule

February 27, 2023

HURFOM: Gambling had long been eliminated in Mon State,  but has re-emerged in many villages under the military council’s rule.

The junta granted authority to village Administrators to re-open “gambling” operations, and  these sites are crowded with gamblers day and night, according to a resident from Lamine Sub-township, in Mon State.

A retired Captain, Lin Oo  who served as the village Administrator for R Yu Taung village, in Ye Township, maintained “gambling” operations in his village.

A villager from Maw Ka Nin village who used to visit one of these operations said, He has organized about 20 militias to guard his gambling operations. So the gamblers do not have to worry about being arrested.

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A member of the Mon Unity Party agreed, saying He (Lin Oo) must give a certain amount of money to the soldiers. The military junta does not provide enough support to their troops. That’s why the junta allows gambling —  it provides extra money for their soldiers.

Political analysts add that gambling has re-emerged because the junta recognizes it also detracts people from engaging in revolutionary action or criticizing the junta. 

Gambling operations also operate in villages controlled by the Mon Peace and Defense Front, an armed splinter group who surrendered to the Burmese military.

The former NLD government had strictly limited gambling operations, virtually eliminating it from all villages in Mon State.


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