Thanbyuzayat-Ye Road site of frequent armed attacks and travel restrictions
January 31, 2023
HURFOM: Columns of the junta’s military vehicles are subject to frequent ambushes or attacks by landmines on the Thanbyuzayat-Ye Road.
In response the junta has imposed restrictions on using the road.
These restrictions are impacting businesses and peoples access to healthcare.
“I’m from Maw Ka Kin village, in Ye Township and I have regular medical appointments in Mawlamyine. I had to cancel my appointment due to the restriction on using the road. I also experienced that the road was closed when I ran out of my medicine,” said a villager from Southern Ye Township.

The military juntas security forces have established bases in nearby villages and randomly shoot their weapons from their bases. People alongside the road are unable to have any freedom of movement.
“I’ve run a mobile phone shop in my village. Before, I went to Mawlamyine to buy phones and accessories for my shop but now, I’ve just ordered them and have them delivered by car,” said a mobile shop owner.
On January 20, a local woman was injured by a careless artillery attack launched by the #317 Artillery Battalion based near Maw Kan Nin and Kone Paw Yaw Thit villages, Southern Ye Township, in Mon State.
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