Junta’s indiscriminate artillery attack injuries two villagers in Kyike Hto

September 18, 2024

HURFOM: On September 13th, 2024, the 310th artillery regiment based in Thane Za Yet, Kyike Hto Township, Mon State launched at least eight indiscriminate artillery attacks targeting residential villages.  There have been no armed clashes in the area to warrant these attacks.

One of the artillery shells exploded between the “Pha Yar Gone” and the “Myout Kyaung” monasteries in Kha Ywelve village injuring 66-year-old Daw Win Aye and 18-year-old Maung Hein Htet Aung.

The artillery debris penetrated the right lower leg of the woman and the young boy sustained injury to his right ear. These recent indiscriminate artillery attacks have already injured at least five villagers,” said a local source from Kha Ywelve village.

The injured villagers are receiving medical treatment at a liberated area and their injuries are not life-threatening.

The junta has been launching indiscriminate artillery attacks without any reason — villagers are living an anxious life worrying when artillery shells may drop and explode in their area,” said another source.

According to data collected by HURFOM, from January to August 2024, there have been 44 villagers killed by the junta’s artillery attack while another 100 have sustained injuries.

Mon State has ten townships and among those, areas within Kyike Hto Township are controlled by the Karen National Union.  These are the communities that have suffered the most casualties while Ye Township has suffered the second most.


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