Four residents injured by landmine within two weeks in Thanbyuzayat

September 4, 2024

HURFOM: In Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State, three local men and one local woman had stepped on landmine within two weeks and sustained serious injuries by the explosion.

On August 22, 2024, 30-year-old Ko Soe Thein from Yel Ta Gon village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State stepped on a landmine while he was chopping firewood in a rubber plantation nearby the monastery.

The explosion cut off his two legs and he was sent to the Thanbyuzayat Hospital with the assistance of a local rescue team. He has been receiving treatment as of today.

On August 30, 2024, a couple who dug “Elephant Foot Yam” nearby a monastery stepped on a landmine and the 32-year-old wife Ma Ngae Ngae Htwe sustained a serious injury.

The military base is in the area so they’re the ones who planted landmine,” said a Yel Tha Gon resident.

Again, on August 30, a factory worker who was cutting grass nearby the “Eon Saw Mon” Rubber Factory in Aye Thar Yar village, Thanbyuzayat Township stepped on a landmine and sustained a serious injury.

On September 2, 2024, another factory worker 33-year-old Ko Myint Kyi went to a rubber plantation nearby the “Eon Saw Mon” Rubber Factory to search mushrooms and he stepped on a landmine. He sustained a serious injury so he has been transferred to the Mawlamyine General Hospital from the Thanbyuzayat Hospital.

The local villagers have been threatened by landmine while there have been reinforcement of troops by the junta and increment of armed clashes between the junta and the resistance forces.

In February, 2024, 50-year-old woman from Ka Rote Pi village, Thanbyuzayat Township stepped on a landmine and died while receiving treatment.


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