Junta extorts 10,000 MMK per household monthly in Ye to support conscripts

September 4, 2024

HURFOM: In July, 2024, the military junta had a meeting with village and ward administrators in Ye Township, Mon State and instructed them to collect 10,000 MMK monthly form each household. The junta claimed the money would be used for paying salary to conscripts and retired soldiers (who had to sever for the military again after their retirement).

Soon after the instruction, extortion has started in Thiri Marlar Ward, Ye Town and Ah Sin village, Ye Township.

They’ve started collecting money in (Thiri) Marlar and (Thiri) Nandar Wards. People in Zayar and Khay Mar and other wards in the outskirts of Ye don’t have money and replied the authority they’re unable to pay the money. But we don’t know what happen next,” said a Ye resident.

The households in some ward have difficulty to afford the regular payment so they have negotiated with the administrator to adjust the amount and the timeline.

If we can’t pay the requested amount, we’re afraid of that they’ll target us for conscription,” said another Ye resident.

In the first week of August, the authority also extorted money from some ward in Ye claiming they had to hire two substitutes for compulsory military service per ward.

Two million have to be paid for a substitute. We had to pay the money before August 15,” said a resident who experienced the extortion.

On August 27, the junta had instructed 15 of men in the 35-65 age range must patrol and guard their wards. Ye Town has ten wards.

Now, political condition is in a state of chaos. The military can’t protect anything. So, they’ve forced us to start a self-reliant protection system,” said a resident.

The administrators said those who have to guard the wards must be registered on September 5, 2024 and the military junta will pay 6,500 MMK of daily wage for each participant.


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