Junta kills two residents and injures five others in Bilin

August 22, 2024

HURFOM: On August 17th, 2024, the joint forces of the Karen National Liberation Army and the People’s Defense Force attacked junta’s forces stationed at the “Ma Saw” Bridge in Bilin Township, Mon State. Soon after the attack, the junta responded with four indiscriminate artillery attacks on nearby villages.

The artillery explosions killed 24-year-old Naw Moe Moe Aye from Taung Kalay village and injured five residents from Taung Kalay and Shwe In Don villages.

About half an hour after the attack on “Ma Saw” Bridge, artillery shells were dropped and exploded in Taung Kalay village. A girl died at the spot. Another five were injured. The injured villagers have been admitted to the Bilin Hospital,” said a Taung Kalay resident.

The artillery explosions injured 55-year-old Saw Kwel Doo, 57-year-old Saw Don Pyan, 60-year-old Naw Ma New, 40-year-old Naw Ma Nge all from Taung Kalay village and 63-year-old Daw Ma Tote from Shwe In Don village.

The Thaton District Karen National Union has claimed that the 8th light infantry battalion stationed at “Myin Thar” Mount in Bilin Township is responsible for the attack.

Additionally, at 5 am on August 17th, the junta recklessly shot and killed Saw Maung Nine from “Ngar Htet Kyi Part” of Taung Kalay village who came to remove his fishing net, stated by the Thaton District KNU.


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