More than 160 youth across Mon State sent to military training camp

June 27, 2024

HURFOM: On June 23rd, 2024, 165 local young men across Mon State were sent to the 4th Advanced Military Training School in Well Ka Lee village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State as candidates for the third batch of the compulsory military service.

The third batch mostly consists of young men in the age range from 28 to 35. The military training will start on June 25th,” said a local source.

200 candidates from the first batch and 50 candidates from the second batch have finished their military training but none have been in contact with their family members.

The young men from both batches haven’t had contact with their families, who don’t know where they have been stationed,” said another local source.

The military junta has primarily targeted Mon and Tenasserim regions for selecting candidates for compulsory military services and have even summoned university students.

On June 15th, the junta-appointed Administrator of Tin Kan Taw village, Kan Bauk village tract, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division has listed more than 40 boys ranging in age from 10 to 35 for the compulsory military service.

The Administrator said those on the list will be sent to the military camp within two weeks. Most of them have already fled to Thailand. We’ve worried that the junta will now target their family members,” said a resident from Tin Kan Taw village.


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