Junta forces use visitor’s reports as pretense to arrest and extort residents in Ye

June 26, 2024

HURFOM: Since June 14th, 2024, the military and the administrative body of Ye Town, Mon State have been checking “visitor’s reports” in Thiri Nandar and Annawar Wards, Ye Town and have been arresting residents without any reason.

As of today, at least 25 residents have been arrested by junta forces as a direct result of “checking visitor’s reports”.  Only residents who could pay ransom to the junta were released.

The military and the administrative group said they checked “visitor’s report” but they arrested innocent people. Now, more than 25 residents have been arrested. Those who could pay ransom were released but I don’t know the amount of the money,” said a Ye resident.

There are lots of migrant workers in Ye Town and many people have gone to the administrative office to file “visitor’s reports”. The junta’s authority has extorted them for between 3,000 to 15,000 MMK for applying for a visitor’s report.


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