Substitutes for compulsory military service cost as much as 6 million MMK

June 19, 2024

HURFOM: The military junta has instructed all village/ward Administrators that each village In Mon State, must send at least one candidate to compulsory military service.  Mon State has more than 1,100 villages or wards.

We were instructed to send one candidate for each village. But many villages have failed to do so. The junta is applying pressure on those villages. They said we must send a candidate at any cost,” said a village Administrator from Paung Township.

The failure to collect enough numbers for compulsory military service, has resulted in Administrators resorting to coercion. At the same time there is growing popularity for the idea of hiring substitutes to meet the demand for compulsory military service.

Each substitute is priced from 3 to 6 million MMK. Even people from Mawlamyine have come to rural areas to find a substitute. As soon as they’ve got agreement with the candidate, that person is sent to the military camp immediately,” said an Administrator from Thanbyuzayat Township.

Those who want to hire substitutes to fulfill the compulsory military service directive, have been targeting migrant workers and the poor.

They’ve mostly targeted migrant workers from fishing rafts in Ye and Thanbyuzayat. Some of them have persuaded the poor to be a substitute. Most of the substitutes are migrant workers,” said one administrator.

The military training for the first and second batches of conscription have been trained at the 4th Advanced Military Training School in Well Ka Lee village, Thanbyuzayat Township.  The junta and its village/ward Administrators are now busy collecting candidates for the third batch.

According to the Administrator of Chaung Zone Township, they have sent the largest number of candidates for compulsory military service.


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