Junta extorts money from drivers of unlicensed vehicles and forced them to serve as porters

June 13, 2024

HURFOM: The military junta has been checking unlicensed vehicles in Ah Baw and Ah Sin villages, Ye Township, Mon State and if they discover an unlicensed vehicle, they extort money from the driver. They also record the address and the contact number of the driver and threaten them to help them with transportation when there is any military movement.

In Ah Sin, they haven’t extorted money. If they catch an unlicensed car, they record the address of the driver and they force them to be porters when they need to. The Ah Sin based 19th Light Infantry Battalion has forced about 30 vehicles to transport their troops,” said a resident from Ye Township.

On June 5th, the military junta stopped and checked motorcars and motorbikes using the highway road near Ah Baw village and extorted money from the drivers of unlicensed cars.

If you’re caught using an unlicensed car, they’ll extort you for up to 5 million MMK. If you can’t pay the money within three months, they’ll seize your car,” said a Ye resident.

The military junta declared martial law in Ye Township and has tightened security as many armed resistance forces are active in the township.


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