Junta seized houses and cash from local villagers in Yebyu

June 13, 2024

HURFOM: On June 7th 2024, the military junta accused a couple from Yar Phu Yaw Thit village, Yar Phu village track, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division of supporting the People’s Defense Forces and seized 10-million MMK in cash and two mobile phones from them.

It’s about noon. They entered my house and asked, “You’re cooperating with the PDF. Don’t you?”. My husband replied, “No, we don’t”. But during the investigation, they found a package of cash and two mobile phones in the car and seized them,” said the wife.

The junta also sealed and seized two houses in Yar Phu village, Yebyu Township.

I don’t know how many houses were targeted. They lined the house with red ropes and took everything in the house. Then, they’ve stationed themselves at the house,” said a displaced person.

Locals reported to HURFOM that the military junta has threatened displaced villagers if they don’t return and stay at their home, their houses will be burnt down.


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