Junta’s navy raids Kaw Bane village and arrests, tortures and kills villagers
April 29, 2024
HURFOM: Local sources report that on the morning of April 25th, 2024, junta Navy troops launched a brutal raid on Kaw Bane village in Kaw Ka Rate Township, torturing and killing several villagers. Among the victims was Mi Chan Aie, a 20-year-old woman, a daughter of Nai Mya Ai and Mi Zar Zar Htun, residents of the western ward of Kaw Bane in Kawkareik Township, Karen State.
A villager described the harrowing events: “They (the Junta forces) herded everyone remaining in the village to the monastery, where they arrested and tortured three men. The reasons for their detention and their current whereabouts remain unidentified.”

Junta forces, of about a hundred soldiers, approached Kaw Bane by waterway. Following a three-day withdrawal by revolutionary forces from nearby Dhamatha village, the Junta troops moved in ostensibly to clear the area. During the raid, they executed Mi Chan Aie reported one villager,
“A large force arrived on a marine ship equipped with an artillery weapon truck. Despite claiming to clear the area, they prohibited villagers from leaving, conducting searches, inflicting torture, and committing murder. The situation in Kaw Bane is dire,” said a local.
Further updates are expected as more information emerges. The junta had been unable to raid the village since March 25th, when revolutionary forces captured and held the local police station.