A young lady injured by junta’s artillery attack in Bilin

September 20, 2024

HURFOM: On September 14th, 2024, the military junta’s “Than Da Dar” security gate in Bilin Township, Mon State launched indiscriminate artillery attacks on nearby villages. There has been no armed clash in the area to warrant these attacks.

One of the artillery shells exploded on a house in Phoe War Thane village and injured 17-year-old Naw Ya Min who was asleep in the house. She is in critical condition.

The artillery attack was launched without any armed clash. A young girl sustained an injury. We’ve been informed that the artillery debris penetrated her neck,” said Ba Doe Saw Aye Nine, the Secretary of the Thaton District Karen National Union.

Naw Ya Min has been sent to the Bilin General Hospital and she is receiving treatment in the intensive care unit, local sources told HURFOM.

Phoe War Thane village is under the control of the Thaton District Karen National Union and is predominantly inhabited by Karen people.

On September 9th, there was an armed clash near the Than Da Dar security gate and a female passenger and other two residents sustained injuries.


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