Woman arrested one month ago at “Chaung Taung” security gate has disappeared

September 11, 2024

HURFOM: On August 10th, 2024, 23-year-old Ma Ka Yin Ma from Ya Phue Yaw Thit village, Ya Phue village tract, Yebyu Township, Tenasserim Division was arrested by the junta’s security forces stationed at the Chaung Taung security gate in Ye Township. 

She was returning home after visiting her elder sister who had been admitted to the Ye Township General Hospital.

On that day (August 10th), she hadn’t reached home by 6 pm, so I phoned her. The soldiers answered her phone and said they arrested her and released her after interrogation,” said her husband.

According to her husband, Ma Ka Yin Ma was arrested allegedly for having contact with the People’s Defense Force.  There has been no trace of her since her arrest.

My wife had a friend who is a member of the PDF. But they have not had any contact with each other,” continued the husband.

As of September 10th, Ma Ka Yin Ma had not been released, and her family members have not had any contact with her, according to her mother-in-law.

On the day we phoned her, the soldiers threatened us not to phone again or they would arrest us too. September 10th marks one month since her disappearance and we still don’t even know where she was detained,” said her mother-in-law.

Junta’s security forces stationed at the Chaung Taung and Ta Dar Phyu security gates routinely stop and check local villagers and passengers, and frequently extort money from them.

Local people reported to HURFOM that junta forces have arrested young people and forced them to join the military since the approval of the “Public Conscription Law” and the “Public Security Law”. However, HURFOM has not been able to corroborate this claim.


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