20 civilians arrested in Pa La Battle not released yet

September 10, 2024

HURFOM: In the morning of September 4th, 2024, there had been a battle between the military junta and the resistance forces in Pa La Town, Pu Law Township, Tenasserim Division.

Soon after the battle, the military junta has arrested every resident they found in the strett in Pa La Town on September 4th and 5th and they have detained more than 60 residents including elderly persons and women.

The junta released more than 40 detainees on September 5 but still arrested more than 20 young men and women whose age are eligible for compulsory military service.

As of today, the military junta has still stationed themselves in monasteries, schools and houses in Pa La Town. They have scattered their troops across the town. But there is no military movement,” said a Pa La resident.

All residents have to flee their home due to the battle and the military presence.

They’ve stationed themselves in the good houses. We’re worrying about that they’ll loot our belongings and burn down and destroy our houses,” said another Pa La resident.

In the first week of August, 2024, there had been a battle in the Pa La Town Police Station and there were casualties of civilians due to the junta’s artillery attack


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